
Showing posts from December, 2020

Bob the robot part 1

 Bob the robot There once was a little robot named Bob. He was very fun to play with. He lived in a small village with his creator, Rob. Every evening when the kdis cam home from school and Rob was done with his work, the kids, Rob, and Bob woud play together until everybody had to go home. On saturday Rob had lots of work to do. Bob was bored  so he asked "Rob, may I go outside and play with the children?" Rob replied, "Ok sure. But make sure you come back soon!" "Ok thanks! I will!" Bob said as he ran to the door. Bob went to go find the kids.Once he found them he said "Hey kids! Wanna go on an adventure?" "Yes! Yes! We want to go on an adventure!" replied the kids. "Then follow me!" Said the little robot. Do you want to know what happens next? Well, find out next week!

Bob the robot is coming!

 Hey guys! I am making a new stroy called Bob the robot. It's about a robot that takes kids on an adventure and they get lost. The next post will contain the first part of the story.